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How to setup a VRED session in Varjo Reality Cloud

September 12, 2022
by Johnathan Sutherlin, Cloud Services GTM Lead, Varjo

Performing collaborative virtual reality design reviews in Autodesk’s VRED has never been easier, thanks to Varjo Reality Cloud. Varjo’s brand new cloud service for streaming VR and XR software (at up to human eye resolution and with ultra-low latency) allows you to upload a 3D model to the cloud and then visualize it in a fully immersive VR/XR session simultaneously with up to four other team members (with no need for individual local installations of VRED). All this, with the technical complexity of making a video call.

Here are the easy steps to start streaming VRED from Varjo Reality Cloud.

Downloading Varjo Base

If you already have Varjo Base installed, jump to the next paragraph. All right, first things first. To start a Varjo Reality Cloud VRED session, you’ll first need to download Varjo Base. Type into your browser ‘’ and log in to your account. Click “Get Varjo Base,” and it will take you to the downloads page. (This is also where you can download firmware, demo content, and Varjo Lab Tools). Download Varjo Base and install it on your PC. Once installed, you can click login in the top right corner of the Varjo Base window. Now that you’re logged into Varjo Base, you’ll want to connect your headset per its instructions.


Starting or joining a collaborative VRED session

Now the easy part: Creating a VRED session. With Varjo Base open, on the main screen, you can see “Varjo Reality Cloud” on the left-hand side under the services section. To start a new session, you’ll create a session name, invite participants in your defined organization, and finally, locate and upload the file being reviewed. Once that is done, you’ll click “Create Session”. The file will then be uploaded after a few moments to the cloud, a session will open, and your invitees can click to join the session. It’s as simple as that.

The benefits of streaming VRED with Varjo Reality Cloud

There are several benefits to using cloud rendering. First is the convenience of simplifying the process of getting a session started with others. With Varjo Reality Cloud, the host will choose the file that is uploaded. This means that the others joining will not have to worry about having the same saved file or matching version of VRED, or even having it installed at all, for that matter.

Second is the perfect balance of performance and quality. Varjo Reality Cloud is the only cloud rendering service that features human eye resolution in VR or XR. There’s even more value added by enabling all these services on less expensive and bulky hardware, including a number of laptops as well. It allows for more mobility and freedom to work wherever you want.

Finally, is the total cost of ownership. When you move the workload to the cloud, you mitigate PC hardware costs and IT resources and ensure a high frame rate and high visual quality experiences thanks to the power of AWS server-based high-end GPUs.

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